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Easy ISO Magnetis Probe setEasy ISO Magnetis Probe setEasy ISO Magnetis Probe set
  • Easy ISO Magnetis Probe set
  • Easy ISO Magnetis Probe set
  • Easy ISO Magnetis Probe set

Easy ISO Magnetis Probe set

Art. nr: 70407
85 EUR

Product description

The Elma Easy-ISO set consist of four 30cm test leads, short circuited in one end, in a 4mm banana socket, and provided with 4mm banana plugs in the other ends.
Four pcs. of magnetic test probes ⌀ 6.6 mm is also provided with the set, mountable on the banana plugs.
When performing insulation test on electrical circuits containing electronics or other sensitive equipment, all phase and neutral lines, should be shorted during measurement.
This prevents any dangerous voltage applied between phases and phase to neutral endangering the equipment.
With the Elma Easy-ISO it is extremely fast to make this connection and perform the measurement.
NOTE!  The magnetic probes max load is 4A. They are not suitable for current, impedance or short circuit measurement or any other measurement with high loads.
As the Elma Easy-ISO short circuits the installation, it is important to break the circuits before mounting and remove the Elma Easy-ISO before reconnecting the circuit.
The connection should preferable be made as far downstream as possible in the installation, to have the smallest possible fuses as protection.
The Elma Easy-ISO set fulfills IEC 61010-1 1000V CAT III / 600V CAT IV