Start | Products | Accessories | Test Probes | PJP 2223 Drill Threaded earth rod w/ 4 mm Banana (female) Jack
PJP 2223 Drill Threaded earth rod w/ 4 mm Banana (female) Jack

PJP 2223 Drill Threaded earth rod w/ 4 mm Banana (female) Jack

Art. nr: 71160
68 EUR

Product description

Dedicated to the heavy duty earth checkings. Screw into the ground and connect your 4 mm banana plug. As this earth rod screws into the ground the user gets a better electrical contact with the ground (the usual smooth earth rods may make a gap around the shaft), you don't need to carry a (heavy) hammer, and you can extract easily the rod if it's driven into a root. The 4 mm banana jack connects to 4 mm banana plugs and offers a more reliable connection than an alligator clip (the user can still connect an alligator clip), it complies with most of the 4 mm banana plugs (shrouded or not) (stackable or not) on the market. Thanks to the big wide handle, the user can extract the rod from the ground with two hands. Thanks to its sharp hard tip, the rod can be driven into the hard grounds. The design is strong and stainless thanks to the soldered steel parts with zinc coating, it's made for the heavy duty.


Weight : 0.62 kg = 1.42 lb.

Dimensions : 420 mm x 163 mm x 30 mm