Start | Products | Bench Instruments | Calibrators/Standards | Capacitance | Andeen-Hagerling TTA1 Test Adapter for ARCO SS-32 and GR1409 Standard Capacitors and other Two-terminal Capacitors
Andeen-Hagerling TTA1 Test Adapter for ARCO SS-32 and GR1409 Standard Capacitors and other Two-terminal CapacitorsAndeen-Hagerling TTA1 Test Adapter for ARCO SS-32 and GR1409 Standard Capacitors and other Two-terminal Capacitors
  • Andeen-Hagerling TTA1 Test Adapter for ARCO SS-32 and GR1409 Standard Capacitors and other Two-terminal Capacitors
  • Andeen-Hagerling TTA1 Test Adapter for ARCO SS-32 and GR1409 Standard Capacitors and other Two-terminal Capacitors

Andeen-Hagerling TTA1 Test Adapter for ARCO SS-32 and GR1409 Standard Capacitors and other Two-terminal Capacitors

Art. nr: 70936

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Product description

The AH TTA1 test adapter provides the means to connect ARCO SS-32 and GR1409 style two-terminal standard capacitors to a three-terminal bridge or meter.

It also accommodates leaded components and other capacitors having banana plugs with standard spacing.

The adapter can be used with Andeen-Hagerling Capacitance/Loss Bridges or with other commercial test instrumentation using three- or four-terminal connections.

Prior to the introduction of the AH TTA1, the GR1620 capacitance bridge provided the only standardized commercial fixture to measure two-terminal standard capacitors.


More information

  • Flip of a locking switch allows GR1409 standard capacitors to be measured in either two- or three-terminal mode 
  • Three- or four-terminal BNC jacks accommodate connection to a bridge or meter
  • 5-Way binding posts provide convenient connections to ordinary leaded components 
  • Orientation-dependent labeling helps to guide the proper insertion of standard capacitors
  • Emulates GR1620 defacto standard connection configuration for making two-terminal standard capacitor measurements
  • Additivity of capacitance of stacked GR1409 capacitors is optimized for accuracy
  • Full three-terminal shielding of all internal connections 
  • Three year warranty