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SRS CS580 — Voltage controlled current sourceSRS CS580 — Voltage controlled current source
  • SRS CS580 — Voltage controlled current source
  • SRS CS580 — Voltage controlled current source

SRS CS580 — Voltage controlled current source

Art. nr: 70819

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Product description

  • Sources/sinks current from 100 fA to 100 mA
  • ±50 V compliance voltage
  • 1 nA/V to 50 mA/V gain
  • 5 W max power
  • RS-232 and Optical fiber interfaces
  • Low thermal drift
  • Up to 200 kHz bandwidth

The Model CS580 Voltage Controlled Current Source creates new capabilities for researchers needing an ultra-low noise current source in a flexible, easy to use instrument.


The CS580 is a natural companion with sensitive AC instruments such as lock-in amplifiers, providing an easy way generating precision current directly from an AC or DC control voltage.


Current is both sourced and sinked with adjustable compliance voltage up to ±50 V, giving full "four-quadrant" performance.


The CS580 is a welcome addition to any research lab studying semiconductors and transport phenomena, superconductivity, and nanotechnology, to name just a few.