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SRS SR470 Laser Shutter Controller SRS SR470 Laser Shutter Controller
  • SRS SR470 Laser Shutter Controller
  • SRS SR470 Laser Shutter Controller

SRS SR470 Laser Shutter Controller

Art. nr: SRS SR470

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Product description

The SR470 Shutter Controller allows you to generate timing signals for the shutter head.

You have complete control of the exposure time, which can be set between 4 ms and 10,000 s with 0.1 ms resolution.

Pre- and post-exposure delays can also be configured.

A bright green 8-digit LED display shows the current parameter in seconds or hertz, and timing is accurate to 100 ppm.

A variety of trigger modes are provided - internal, external, front panel, and continuous - giving you the flexibility to handle just about any application.

Triggered bursts from milliseconds to months can also be generated, placing the SR470 in a class of its own.

In addition to triggered sequences, the SR470 can also act as a driver to actuate the shutter head from your own timing signals. You can also manually control the shutter from the front panel.


Remote operation is supported with GPIB, RS-232 and Ethernet computer interfaces.

All instrument functions can be controlled and read over any of the interfaces.

Up to nine complete instrument configurations can be saved in non-volatile RAM and recalled at any time. Shutter faults are automatically detected and reported with audible and electronic (TTL) alarms.


More information

Resolution: 100 μs (8-digit display)
Accuracy: 100 ppm
Pre-exposure delay: 0 to 10,000 s
Exposure time: 4 ms to 10,000 s
Post-exposure delay: 4 ms to 10,000 s
Repetition rate: DC to 125 Hz (any duty cycle)
Initial state: Normally open or closed (user defined)
Shutter type: SR470 Series Laser Shutter


Modes: Internal, external TTL, external level, and front-panel, continuous
Triggered burst: 1 to 99,999,999 timing cycles


System Fault and Alarms
Alarm types: Fault LED indicator, audible alarm and rear-panel TTL output. System automatically detects shutter fault. 


Type: 7-segment LED, 8-digit
Display blanking: Front panel LEDs can be disabled. 


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