- 300 amu systems
- 1 ppm detection
- 10 mTorr max. operating pressure
- 1 x 10-12 Torr detection limit
- Real-time RGA Windows software
- Multi-head operation
- Field-replaceable electron multiplier and filament
- RGA and CIS mode
With better than 1 ppm detection limit, direct sampling at mTorr pressure, and a user-friendly Windows software package, the CIS systems will satisfy your most demanding applications. On-line process monitoring and control, verification of process gas purity at the point of use, high-vacuum residual gas analysis, and process equipment leak checking are some of the areas where these systems will prove indispensable.
The probe consists of a quadrupole mass spectrometer with a CIS ionizer mounted inside a 2.75" Conflat® Tee. The control unit mounts directly on the probe’s feedthrough flange and contains all the necessary electronics for operating the instrument. The side port of the CIS nipple provides a connection for the differential pumping system that keeps the quadrupole, filament and detector at high vacuum. The system can be connected directly to a process chamber through its standard CIS mounting flange (2.75" CF). The unit is self-aligning, with a simple, robust design. You can clean and reassemble the probe, and replace the filament and electron multiplier in the field, without ever calling the factory.