A TEM cell is the right equipment for stationary tests of radiated emissions.
Tekbox developed the TBTC2 to cover the entire frequency range up to 2GHz and with usability even at frequencies beyond.
In combination with a spectrum analyzer, products can be tested before and after EMC-related design changes.
A setup with a TEM cell will not deliver the exact same quantitative results as a measurement in a certified test house, but it will give an excellent indication of whether or not the design suffers from excessive radiated noise.
The engineer will clearly see if his changes improved or degraded the EMC performance or if it remained unchanged.
TBTC2 eliminates the guesswork.
A TEM cell is a stripline device for radiated emissions and immunity testing of electronic devices.
It is not a replacement, but due to its size and low cost, it is a convenient alternative to measurements in an anechoic chamber.
A TEM cell consists of a septum, the conductive strip in the center section, and walls that are connected to ground. The geometry is designed to present a 50O stripline.
The device under test (DUT) is placed between the bottom wall and the septum.
TBTC2 is a so-called "open TEM cell", which has no side walls for convenient placement of the DUT. It can pick up RF background noise, however, which can be accounted for by making a measurement of the cell output signal before turning on the DUT.
TBTC2 obtained a better frequency response compared to standard TEM cells of similar size.
TEM cells suffer from higher order wave modes that limit the usable bandwidth.
A unique design feature of the TBTC2 implements resistance perpendicular to the desired wave propagation direction.
Consequently, wave modes and higher order resonances are suppressed.
The unit is supplied with a 50O/25W RF termination and a DC block to protect the spectrum analyzer or RF receiver input.