Start | Products | EMC – EMI (Emission) | Probes | Rigol NFP-3 Near Field Probe Set 30MHz to 3GHz
Rigol NFP-3 Near Field Probe Set 30MHz to 3GHzRigol NFP-3 Near Field Probe Set 30MHz to 3GHzRigol NFP-3 Near Field Probe Set 30MHz to 3GHzRigol NFP-3 Near Field Probe Set 30MHz to 3GHzRigol NFP-3 Near Field Probe Set 30MHz to 3GHz

Rigol NFP-3 Near Field Probe Set 30MHz to 3GHz

Art. nr: 70840
475 EUR

Product description

  • Frequency Range: 30MHz to 3GHz
  • One set includes four types of probe, provides optimizing sensitivity and resolution
  • Minimum resolution: 2mm; able to capture near field radiation of single circuit line
  • Applicable for electromagnetic leakage testing inside the cable
  • A measurement tool for EMI pre-conformance testing, troubleshooting, and design verification
  • Determine frequency and relative intensity of the spectral components of the interference source

Near field probe which can detect the magnetic field within a range of 10 cm.

It is applicable for the leakage detection of magnetic field. For example, verification of shielding measuremnt, leakage testing for the chassis etc...


Near field probe which can detect the magnetic field within a range of 3 cm.

It is applicable for detecting the magnetic environment around themodules. For example, accurately locating the leakage of the chassis, detecting the magnetic field direction and intensity of the circuit board module.


Near field probe which resolution is 5 mm.

It is applicable for the detection of magnetic field on surface. For example, the detection of the magnetic field produced by the wire, cable, metal surface, connectors, electronic components and components joints.


Near field probe which resolution is 2 mm.

It can detect the vertically emitted electromagnetic field.

It is applicable for the detection of magnetic field where current loop exists. For example, electromagnetic field testing for PCB wiring, magnetic field testing for IC pins area etc...


Kit comprises of 4 probes, 1m lead BNC (M)-SMB (F), Adapter N-Type(M)-BNC(F), storage case.