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ETL ATS400 HG-DC Automatic Test System 100-3000V DCETL ATS400 HG-DC Automatic Test System 100-3000V DCETL ATS400 HG-DC Automatic Test System 100-3000V DC
  • ETL ATS400 HG-DC Automatic Test System 100-3000V DC
  • ETL ATS400 HG-DC Automatic Test System 100-3000V DC
  • ETL ATS400 HG-DC Automatic Test System 100-3000V DC

ETL ATS400 HG-DC Automatic Test System 100-3000V DC

Art. nr: ETL ATS400 HG-DC

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Product description

  • Hipot Test 100 - 3 000 V DC, 0.01 - 2 mA, current-limited, EN 50191
  • Protective Earth Test 0.5 - 25 A AC, 1 - 500 mΩ
  • Function test, mains 230 V AC, dep. on mains supply 0.01 - 10 A AC
  • Continuity test 0.5 - 25 V AC, 1 - 600 Ω
  • Fully electronic test system for production and laboratory
  • Menu-controlled test procedures: manual or fully automatic
  • 5 different versions available
  • LAN, USB, RS232, CAN, VGA, DIGITAL-IN/OUT, Analog-IN/OUT, Frequency-IO (depending on the user interface)
  • Freely programmable test procedure, parameters, limit values, startoptions, operator information, sequence options, …
  • Remote control (DLL, ASCII, LabVIEW, .NET, ETL DataView, Digital-IO)
  • Extension modules: matrix, AC- and DC-sources, hot HV, contact units for test object, …
  • CE compliant, standard safety technology as required in BS/EN 50191.
Fully electronic test system
Exact adjustment of test voltages and test currents for repeatable and consistent results. All test levels are regulated and are independent of any mains voltage fluctuations.

Safety circuit with two positively driven safety relays
The safety technology is designed according to EN 50191.There are three options for connecting available: with test pistols, test cages, two-handed operation or within a production line.

Menu-controlled test procedures: Manual or fully automatic
The user can choose between a single test with all available test modules, or test with a pre-defined test plan. Tests via a test plan can be reproduced in production giving operating staff clear status information and error messages.

Switchover between test tasks is carried out automatically via an internal relay matrix
The test object only has to be connected once.

Operating manuals and digital photos
Different operator instructions and digital photos can be displayed before and during the test as well as during an error message, providing optimal safety guidance to operating staff.

Automatic test start
The start signal can be triggered by slightly pressing the test pistols to the test object (patent). The test voltage will only be switched on when the tips of both test pistols are safely connected to the test object. This will prevent the test object from voltage peaks and ensure the correct test time. (Functionality depends on the built in test modules).

Open circuit monitoring and connection monitoring to the test object
The high voltage cables are designed using 4-wire-technology. Source-sense monitoring ensures maximum process reliability (patent) and safety.

Fault detection: Over limit detection, arc detection and peak detection
Insulation fault of the test object can be detected by several methods. Insulation fault alarm will be triggered by an over-current limit or by a special peak detection that will detect even low-energy spikes.

Ramp function and detection of the breakdown voltage in case of hipot test
The test voltage can be ramped up gradually. Rise and fall times are selectable. The voltage ramp enables gentle testing where a particular standard demands a certain profile. The voltage value at which an isolation fault occurs will be displayed.

All testing modes can be run via individual menus
All parameters: test voltage, test current, limit values, test times, start options, operater instructions, matrix settings, process options and the testing sequence can easily be made into menus.

User defined settings
Easy changes to: language settings, user administration, storage options, behaviour of digital inputs/outputs, audible warning of status and error status as options to contacting and wire-break monitoring, data manager for test plans and result data files.

Test device for operating “Stand-Alone” or remotely controlled via interface
The test device can be controlled by a Windows software (user interface software ETL DataView), a self created custom software application (DLL, LabVIEW, C#, .NET), simple command parameters (ASCII) or digitally using digital input/output.

CAN-Interface to add extension modules
The test system offers the possibility of adding external modules and measurement tasks via a ETL CAN interface. The system can be extended to a relay matrix, 1 and 3 phase sources for a function test or a hot HV-test under mains voltage conditions.

Error message: acoustic, optical and via interface
Incorrect test objects can be detected safely and the errors are shown and documented in the  result file.

Maintenance: updateable via remote interface
Customer-specific changes and updates can be imported via interfaces. Using PC systems (X6 or X8) offers the additional possibility of remote maintenance via teamviewer.