Start | Products | Oscilloscopes | Accessories | Current Clamps | Rigol RP1003C Current Probe 0...30A, Bandwidth DC...50MHz
Rigol RP1003C Current Probe 0...30A, Bandwidth DC...50MHzRigol RP1003C Current Probe 0...30A, Bandwidth DC...50MHzRigol RP1003C Current Probe 0...30A, Bandwidth DC...50MHz
  • Rigol RP1003C Current Probe 0...30A, Bandwidth DC...50MHz
  • Rigol RP1003C Current Probe 0...30A, Bandwidth DC...50MHz
  • Rigol RP1003C Current Probe 0...30A, Bandwidth DC...50MHz

Rigol RP1003C Current Probe 0...30A, Bandwidth DC...50MHz

Art. nr: Rigol RP1003C
3 368 EUR

Product description

  • Highly accurate current detection
  • Easy current measurement
  • Broadband frequency characteristics: DC to 50MHz
  • Compact design, permits measurement of low current levels
  • Easy protect function at excessive input
  • Unique thin film Hall effect element
Technical Parameters

Bandwidth: DC to 50MHz (-3dB)
Rise Time: ≤7ns
Linear Response Range of Input Current: 30Arms
Maximum Peak Current: 50A peak, non-continuous
Gain: 0.1V/A
Gain Accuracy
±1.0%rdg±1mV, ≤30A
±2.0%rdg, 30A to 50A peak non-continuous (DC and 45Hz to 66Hz, within the linear response range of the input current)
Noise: ≤2.5mArms (for 20MHz band measuring instrument)
Input Impedance: Refer to Appendix 3 Input Impedance in manual
Gain Accuracy Drift: ≤±2% (0℃ to 40℃ temperature, input of 50Hz, 30A)
Rated Power: 5.6W
Supply Voltage: +12V±0.5V
Maximum Rated Voltage: 300V, CAT I (insulated conductor)
Gain Accuracy Period: 1 year (opening/closing up to 10,000 times)
Effect of External Magnetic Fields: ≤20mA (DC and 60Hz, magnetic field of 400A/m) 


Rigol RP1000P Power Supply for RP1003C, RP1004C and RP1005C Current Probes
Rigol RP1000P
Rigol RP1000P Power Supply for RP1003C, RP1004C and RP1005C Current Probes
12V Power Supply.Support 4 channels.