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PicoScope 2206B Oscilloscope 2-channel 50MHz bandwith & Function Generator PicoScope 2206B Oscilloscope 2-channel 50MHz bandwith & Function Generator

PicoScope 2206B Oscilloscope 2-channel 50MHz bandwith & Function Generator

Art. nr: 70779
415 EUR

Product description

  • 2 channel, 4 channel and MSO models
  • 6 instruments in one
  • Ultra-compact design
  • Up to 100 MHz bandwidth
  • Up to 128 MS buffer memory
  • Decode over 30 serial protocols as standard
  • USB connected and powered
  • Windows, Linux and Mac software
You can use your PicoScope 2000 Series as an advanced oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, function generator, arbitrary waveform generator and protocol decoder out of the box. Mixed signal models also add a 16 channel logic analyzer. A complete electronics lab in one compact, low-cost, USB-powered unit.

The PicoScope 2000A models deliver unbeatable value for money and are ideal for education, hobby and field service use. In the lab the low cost allows one scope per person rather than having to share.

The PicoScope 2000B models have the added benefits of deep memory (up to 128 MS), higher bandwidth (up to 100 MHz) and faster waveform update rates. PicoScope 2000B models give you the performance to carry out advanced analysis of your waveforms. They are ideal for design, debug and serial decoding.

The Configure Your Scope panel on the left gives a quick guide to the models, specifications and prices.
At the heart of every PicoScope 2000 is an advanced oscilloscope which offers everything you would expect and much more besides:
  • 10,000 waveform circular buffer
  • Up to 80,000 waveforms per second update rate
  • Mask limit testing
  • Advanced math & filtering
  • Measurements with statistics
  • Advanced digital triggering 
  • Resolution enhancement to 12 bits
Logic analyzer / mixed signal ability
The PicoScope 2000 Series includes mixed signal models that include 16 digital inputs so that you can view digital and analog signals simultaneously.

The digital inputs can be displayed individually or in named groups with binary, decimal or hexadecimal values shown in a bus-style display. A separate logic threshold from –5 V to +5 V can be defined for each 8-bit input port. The digital trigger can be activated by any bit pattern combined with an optional transition on any input. Advanced logic triggers can be set on either the analog or digital input channels, or both to enable complex mixed-signal triggering.

The digital inputs bring extra power to the serial decoding options.  You can decode serial data on all analog and digital channels simultaneously, giving you up to 18 channels of data.  You can for example decode multiple SPI, I²C, CAN bus, LIN bus and FlexRay signals all at the same time!