Start | Products | Rigol Trigger-DP700 External trigger in, internal trigger out - Option
Rigol Trigger-DP700 External trigger in, internal trigger out - Option
  • Rigol Trigger-DP700 External trigger in, internal trigger out - Option

Rigol Trigger-DP700 External trigger in, internal trigger out - Option

Art. nr: Rigol Trigger-DP700
60 EUR

Product description

External synchronous trigger input and output option for DP700-series of Power Supplies.


DP700 series power supply provides the trigger function, including trigger input and trigger output.

Trigger input indicates that the external trigger input signal controls the on/off status of the channel output.


Trigger output indicates that controlling the on/off status of the channel output can enable the instrument to output the specified signal.


When multiple power supplies are in serial or parallel connection, enabling the external trigger function can realize the synchronous output for multiple power supplies.