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Rohde & Schwarz HZ-15 Probe set for E and H nearfield emissions 30 MHz to 3 GHz
  • Rohde & Schwarz HZ-15 Probe set for E and H nearfield emissions 30 MHz to 3 GHz

Rohde & Schwarz HZ-15 Probe set for E and H nearfield emissions 30 MHz to 3 GHz

Art. nr: R&S HZ-15

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Product description

Special, electrically shielded magnetic field probes 
• Probe tips adapted to near-field measurement 
• High-resolution measurements 
• Easy-to-determine magnetic field orientation 
• Easy operation and handling 
Probe Set for E and H near-field emission measurements with test receivers and spectrum analyzers
The ¸HZ-15 Set come in a robust plastic case.
The ¸HZ-15 includes a 1 m RF cable with BNC (male) and SMB (female) connectors.

More information

Before you perform a near-field analysis,you first need to know how the E and H fields are distributed.
The five probes from the Probe Set R&S®HZ‑15 are well suited for this purpose. All near‑field probes are designed for ease of use, and are ideal for measuring high- frequency fields starting at 30 MHz on printed boards and on components.
The magnetic field probes include special electrically shielded probe tips.
The various probe tip shapes are designed for tasks in near-field measurements.
The upper limit frequency of a probe is determined by the size and design of the probe tip. All probes are passive and are connected to the 50 W input of a test receiver or spectrum analyzer.